Rubbermaid Commercial Products' (RCP) Mobile Marketing Trucks (MMT) travel all over the country bringing their showrooms to various facilities where they demo their newest innovations and core products. The MMT Program is a great opportunity, where existing and potential buyers are provided with hands-on product demonstrations, presentations, and educational materials. RCP has four trucks going all over the United States, and RCP wanted everyone to know they were available for their facility.
RCP asked The Scylla Group to help them drive awareness of the MMT Program online. They wanted to heighten exposure on their website as well as their social media platforms. The truck schedules and availability were extremely important to communicate, but they also wanted to show how fun the site visits can be. With three different product experiences available, we needed to highlight the focus of each truck so events could be coordinated with the right truck for their facility needs.
Our Solution
We created a microsite to teach facility managers about the onsite educational program. The site contains information on where the trucks are, where they will be, how to sign up for an event, and what to expect on the day of their arrival. To help generate more buzz and excitement, a blog forum was created. Truck drivers and staff are able to take pictures during the event and upload them to the microsite along with a writeup, directly from their phones.
Scylla created a custom hotspot editor in the back office, so RCP can add locations with ease
You can add future and past locations visited and associate blog article with each hotspot
The truck drivers are able to create blog posts on the go and know exactly what fields are required
Upload images in the back office right from your phone to display on the front-end
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